A new credit card definitely isn’t a choice that you should take lightly. After all, a credit card can negatively impact your credit if it gets out of hand. However, many people don’t understand that a new credit card can also be a great way for you to save money as long as you use it properly. If you want to make sure that you’re getting a credit card that will truly help you save money, here are four of the things you want to look at.
1. Annual Fee
The annual fee is often one of the first things that people look at when they look at new credit cards. However, do you know what you’re looking for? Cards with a $0 annual fee can be a great card for some families, but an annual fee can also be a useful way to save even more. Consider what your actual annual budget is for your credit card fee, then just see what you can get underneath that annual fee. If you can get a card as part of a program you’re already part of, even better.
2. Rewards Rates
Rewards rates are an important part of understanding what you might get from your new credit card. After all, you’re signing up for the credit card so you can get better rewards from doing things that you would have already done, right? Check to see what you can get in terms of rewards by making purchases, as well as what types of extra rewards are available.
3. How to Redeem Rewards
There may be many different ways for you to redeem rewards depending on the card. You might be able to redeem your points as a statement credit, as a direct discount on purchases, or even as gift cards in some cases. Check to see what types of options are available for you when it comes to redeeming your rewards. If you’re good at it, you’ll be able to redeem your rewards to get the absolute best discounts on your purchases.
4. Company-Specific Benefits
Some credit cards are connected to specific companies, and that means they may be able to give you extra benefits at those companies. If you’re looking for an Amazon credit card promotion, for example, you might want to consider the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card, which gives you 5% cash back at Amazon and Whole Foods Market. These company-specific benefits can give you even more to love with your credit card.
There are a lot of things to look at when it comes to finding a new credit card, but it’s especially important to look at a few things that will impact how you manage your credit card in the future. If you want to make sure that you’re getting the best benefits from your credit cards in general, these four things are all important. When you’re looking into a new credit card, you’ll want to check for these four things.